Pickwick - / prod.nr. 10.009.233

Pickwick - / prod.nr. 10.009.234

Pickwick - / prod.nr. 10.009.238

Pickwick - / prod.nr. 10.009.237

Pickwick - / prod.nr. 10.009.242

Pickwick - / prod.nr. 10.009.240

Pickwick - / prod.nr. 10.009.239

Twinings - 1175

Twinings - 1176

1188 - Krokus Kozanis

1189 - Krokus Kozanis

1195 - Krokus Kozanis

1191 - Krokus Kozanis

1192 - Krokus Kozanis

1193 - Krokus Kozanis

1194 - Krokus Kozanis

1190 - Krokus Kozanis

1190 /back / Krokus Kozanis

1196 - ICA / prod.nr. 01217998

1197 - ICA / prod.nr. 01217999

1198 - ICA / prod.nr. 01217997

1199 - ICA / prod.nr. 02212983

1200 - ICA / prod.nr. 02212980

1201 - ICA / prod.nr. 02210291

1202 - Four o'Clock

1203 - Cupper

1204 - Cupper

1205 - Cupper

1206 - Cupper

1207 - Cupper

1208 - Cupper

1209 - Cupper

1210 - Cupper

Altapharma - prod.nr. - 3397393 date - 09.2016

Altapharma - prod.nr. - 3176383 date - 09.2016

Altapharma - prod.nr. - 3919373 date - 09.2016

Altapharma - prod.nr. - 6220433 date - 10.2015

Altapharma - prod.nr. - 6234433 date - 10.2015

Altapharma - prod.nr. - 8720253 date - 06.2016

Altapharma - prod.nr. - 3409423 date - 10.2016

Altapharma - prod.nr. - 6885213 date - 11.2014

Altapharma - prod.nr. - 5904473 date - 11.2015

1220 - Fredsted

Shoti Maa /

Shoti Maa /

Shoti Maa /

Shoti Maa /

Shoti Maa /

1281 / nu te / green earl grey

1282 / nu te / all day classic

1283 / nu te / raspberry & thyme

1284 / nu te / rooibos & peppermint

1319 / nu te /

1320 / nu te /

1321 / nu te /

1322 / nu te /

1323 / nu te /

1324 / nu te /

1325 / nu te /

1326 / nu te /

1337 / Yogi Tea - / BEDT E80607 M06

1338 / Yogi Tea - / WOEN E81707 M05

1339 / Yogi Tea - / ECHI E81307 M06

1340 / Yogi Tea - / PURE E80707a L03

1341 / Yogi Tea - / WOBA E81607 M06

1342 / Yogi Tea - / paperfoil THRO E81007h M05

1343 / Yogi Tea - / paperfoil / WOME E80207h M05

1344 / Yogi Tea - / SCHI E10607 M06

1334 / Yogi Tea - / BLCH E50007 M06

1336 / Yogi Tea - / POEN E11107h M05 / paperfoil

1333 / Yogi Tea - / GRCL E85407 M05 / paperfoil

1332 / Yogi Tea - / GREN E85107h M05 / paperfoil

1335 / Yogi Tea - / ROOI E10507 M05

Pukka - / lemon & mandarin date: 2017.01.30 and date: 2017.02.27

Pukka - / three cinnamon date: 2016.11.12

Pukka - / refresh date: 2017.01.29 and date: 2017.02.11

1293 / Saint-Gottard

1294 / Saint-Gottard

1295 / Saint-Gottard

1296 / Saint-Gottard

1297 / Saint-Gottard

1298 / Saint-Gottard

1299 / Saint-Gottard

1300 / Saint-Gottard

Taragüi / 1301

Taragüi / 1302

Taragüi / 1303

Taragüi / 1304

Taragüi / 1305

Taragüi / 1306 / foil

Taragüi / 1307 / foil

La Virginia - Litoral / 1308

1309 / Wang Lee

1310 / La Merced

1311 / Heredia

1312 / Jesper

1329 - Dogadan

1330 - Dogadan

1331 - Dogadan

Teposer, dubletter / Teabags for exchange.

Vigtigt: For at se om der eventuelt er tilknyttet bemærkninger til de enkelte tepose-dubletter, er det nødvendigt at se billedet i stor størrelse. 'Clik' på billedet og du vil øjeblikkelig se evt. tilføjelser.

Important: To see if any remarks are associated with the teabag it is necessary to see it in a bigger size - 'click' on the picture.

Under hver tepose er anført et navn og et nummer - ved bestilling er det nok at angive nummeret.

Under each Teabag a name and a number occur when 'clicked' - and by ordering the number indication is enough

Colnet Cjllector 17.10.2014 17:40

Write please e_mail.
My e_mail tatiana.teabags@gmail.com

Hello Tatiana,

Very good - do you have a website or do you use scans ??
I have all my dupl. on my

| Svar

Nyeste kommentarer

07.04 | 15:04

Good afternoon Flemming

Send my Mail:




21.02 | 13:13

Hello Flemming,

Will you please answer my questions?? Thanks

21.01 | 10:48

Hej Flemming are you alright?? Will you please send me an e-mail?
Byebye Elly

10.11 | 13:06

Hello Flemming,

are you ready for an exchange?
Byebye and take care